Wed. Dec. 15th Holiday Social at the Rec. Ctr.

The date for our Holiday Social has been changed to Wednesday, December 15th at the PRCC.
If you would like to help set up, just arrive a bit early between 7pm-7:30pm.

Click here for ideas from Teleflora
Nicole has asked Lynn Yeadon to show us how to create center pieces.

Lynne asks each of the members to bring a few things:

  • a pair of pruners
  • a container to hold our arrangement
  • items to make our creations with such as holly branches, evergreen branches
  • items to decorate the arrangement from around the house or garden

Gisele Dupuis will be coordinating the goodies. Nicole will be sending an e-mail out to the members which will include her phone # and her e-mail for her to organize.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Wed. Nov. 24th Features Trees & Shrubs

Photo by ahp_ibanez
Dave Veinot will be joining us as the guest speaker at our next meeting on Wednesday, November 24th. Dave specializes in ornamental trees and shrubs - Japanese Maples, Magnolias, Dogwoods. etc. For those of us needing 'bones' in the gardens or a woody plant in a particular place this would be a great evening.

Dan also worked with Captain Steele, a reknown Rhododendron and Azalea hybridizer who once said, "You could turn the province over a fifty year period into a magnificent thing." when talking about gardening.

Our local food bank is in need of a whole variety of supplies. Some of the things that are most needed are canned stews, noodles & sauce dinners, macaroni/spaghetti, cereals, peanut butter, tuna, canned meat, canned fruit and vegetables, packaged potatoes, tetrapak milk, and items for children's school lunches such as canned fruit, puddings, cracker & cheese packages, etc.

It's easy to forget the food bank donation as you're rushing out the door to your favourite meeting, but every can and package helps someone.

Wed. Oct. 27 Features Dahlias

Photo by Sel
At our next meeting on Wednesday, October 27, we will be featuring Bill Mercier from Shad Bay. He will be speaking about Dahlias and actually bringing tubers to show us how to divide them and store them for winter as well as speak about growing them when the snow stops to fly. Bill has been growing Dahlias for some time and obviously knows Dahlias quite well. I know this since he identified all the Dahlias I brought in a vase at the last meeting and even taught me a couple of things about their 'form'. :O) 

Photo by Eric
For those who have Dahlias, Bill advises that now would be a good time to get ready to take the tubers out of the ground. In a phone conversation this morning, he advised to simply cut them back to a foot from the ground, leave them for a week, then dig them up. I will be doing as such starting this weekend. After digging, clean them off with a hard hose spray, let them dry a bit, and if you wish to divide them after Bill's presentation, simply keep them in a dry cool place. 

Photo by Nicole Dearman
Dahlias are great in the gardens, especially as 'fillers' and for late season blooms which we all yearn for! 

Take photos of your Dahlias and lets do a Dahlia tuber Swap in the spring!!! 

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Nice To See Everyone Again

Hi everyone...

It was great to see you all again last night!  Welcome to all of the new members who joined us for another great year of sharing plant knowledge!

If you missed the registration, no problem!   Just join us next time!

The schedule page has been updated to reflect the addition of a social time at the beginning of our meetings, so we'll be starting the social at 7pm and starting meeting business at 7:30pm at each meeting this year.

Nicole reminded us that we will be supporting the Food Bank again this year.  There will be a drop-off container for your donation at each meeting.

Thank you to everyone who brought books, plants, magazines and seeds last night - we appreciate your generosity!  Wendy brought comfrey and mullein to share last night... these links provide more information about these plants.  Feel free to visit Hobbies In Harmony for related information and a link to email me with any questions.

Happy gardens!
Val :)

2010 - 2011 Schedule Posted

Hi everyone...

Although we had a lot of rain during the garden tours, many people braved the weather to visit the plants!

The schedule for the coming year has been added to the side menu of this web page.  All meetings are going to be held at the new Prospect Recreation Community Centre this year.  This page will be updated with topics and guest speakers as those details are organized.

We look forward to an exciting new year in our new space... hope to see you there!

Val :)

Come Tour Our Gardens!

JULY 11th (Sunday)  11:00 am - 5:00 pm
( Admissions are FREE, but we do accept donations to the food bank on site. )

Wendy MacDonald
30 Cathy Road, Brookside (take Brookside, left onto Mitchell, right onto Cathy) 852-4506
Visit a yard full of gardens in every stage of development from new to mature.  This yard includes huge and baby perennials, growing veggies,  and robust herb gardens. Wendy also has a recently started Native American Medicine Wheel garden!  Come see this busy space!

Valerie Wilson
226 Irisweg Drive, Brookside (take Brookside, left onto Mitchell, right onto Cathy and left onto Irisweg) 852-3973
This property is lovingly referred to as a wild-scape in progress. Bucking the traditional gardener's decorum, Valerie leans more toward letting mother nature do her thing and then making use of it! Join Valerie for a cup of herbal sun tea and wander through fields of horsetail, drifts of red clover and sweet clover, waving daisies, clumps of oregano, a row of pin cherry trees and perennials tucked in here there and everywhere. If you look closely, you'll also find a short rustic path leading to the edge of McGrath Lake. (Please park on the street)

Margaret and Alan Sagar
1877 Lower Prospect Road, Terence Bay. 852-4628
(Past Star of the Sea Church and cemetery, first right at bottom of the little hill where the inlet comes to the road. We are on Back Bay.)
I didn't want our new house which replaced our cottage to be plopped in the middle of suburban lawn. So come and see how our still young garden wraps round our house in the midst of the wild. Slate patio and path, large deck, rock garden, flowers and veggies struggling to survive in a very windy spot, fighting the horsetail grass, and coltsfoot!! (Garden is more work than lawn!)

Freeman Dryden & John Speagle
12 Hunters Hill, Terence Bay
(Prospect Rd. to Terence Bay Rd. to Sandy Cove Rd. about 2 blocks in on the right side)
Beginners' Garden - come and see what you can do in 1 year; from blackberry & rugosa bushes, rocks, & weedy grass to flower beds and a pond? Veggies too!!

Nicole Dearman
224 Brennan’s Road (Prospect Rd.  on to Prospect Bay Rd., right on Brennan’s Rd.) 850-2062
No greenhouse or lights in the basement? No problem!! See a garden grown mostly from seeds sown in winter outside , including Hostas, Astilbes, Blue Poppies, and oddities. This property had no gardens and no shrubs in 2001 but now increasingly caters to butterflies every year. I have been raising Monarchs for 4 years. :O)

Marg & Joe Power
580 Prospect Bay Road
Gardens by the Bay” – This is a working garden on a two-acre property bordering Prospect Bay. There are a variety of garden areas surrounding the house and bordering the water that contain perennials and various flowering shrubs. Annuals, such as impatiens and petunias are used to add colour throughout the garden season.   “Gardening hurts nice … housework just plain hurts.” Come for a stroll in our gardens and along the water’s edge. We welcome you.

The Prospect Area Garden Club: Come Tour Our Gardens!

Great job setting this up Val! Look forward to others contributing their successes and failures.
'So always look for the silver lining and try to find the sunny side of life.' P.G. Wodehouse, Sally

The Prospect Area Garden Club: Come Tour Our Gardens!: " PROSPECT AREA GARDEN CLUB GARDEN TOUR 2010 JULY ..."