This week, our garden club members, John and Freeman, are going to share their experiences with
lasagna gardening. This simple method of creating new garden beds will have you creating new green spaces in a flash without digging or tilling! Just plunk down a new garden bed anywhere in your yard! We know that there are other members who have created lasagna gardens and we would encourage them to share their results with the group. Feel free to bring pictures too if you have them!
And of course no bed is complete without some great rich soil so Valerie is going to talk about her experiences with indoor
worm composting and how to have these amazing creatures creating enriched garden soil for you all year long!
We hope you'll join us for an evening of sharing and demonstrations!

As always, we will have a box for donations to our local community food bank at St. Timothy's.
Meeting Schedule Page contains meeting dates and time details. There is a permanent link to the Meeting Schedule Page in the right-hand menu under Club Pages.