Meeting Postponed
Until Wed. Nov. 30th

Due to continuing nasty weather,
we will postpone our regular meeting
until next Wednesday, Nov. 30th
to keep everyone safe!

We hope to see you then!
Val :)

Wed. Nov. 23rd
Discover Your Roots

Photo by Tony The Misfit
In the fall when many of the green parts of plants die back, the roots are ready to harvest! They have stored up all kinds of beneficial nutrients during the vital summer months and are just waiting to share their bounty with you!

Wendy and Valerie are going to talk about the benefits of some common roots you are sure to find close at hand!  They are also going to be talking about preparation, usage, preservation and storage of these beautiful roots!  Will an hour be enough time!!??

We will once again be collecting for the local food bank at each meeting, so please bring along a food item for the donation box - every bit helps!

We will also have an opportunity to share announcements so feel free to speak up and let us know about any interesting local news you would like to share.

NSAGC Scotia Gardener
November Edition Available

Get the Nov. Scotia Gardener!
Hi everyone....

I have put a link to the November edition of the NSAGC Scotia Gardener in the side bar for you.  This edition has some nice book reviews in it and lots of other great articles for you!

Val :)