Wednesday, September 23rd is our first meeting of the season and we hope you'll invite your friends!! We will once again be meeting at the Prospect Road Community Centre. Social time starts at 7pm. Business starts at 7:30pm.
Registration fees will be $20 per person or $30 per couple. We will be hosting 8 meetings this year with special guest speakers at many meetings plus plans for potluck socials in both November and May (see the growing schedule in the sidebar).
In our first meeting of the season, we like to share pictures from our gardens. Please bring up to 50 pictures on a thumb drive or email them in advance to thepagc@gmail.com and I'll get them loaded in advance.
We'll be letting you know more about the planned activities as they take shape.
Don't forget, we're on Facebook too.... just click the button in our sidebar to join!