Click here for this month's Library Guide! It has some really great
FREE programs lined up for all sorts of topics - including gardening!
Here are just a few examples:
Green Spring Cleaning
Save money and live healthier by learning
green techniques to clean your home just
in time for spring.
Saturday, April 21/2:30 p.m.
Native Plants
This six-part series presented by the
Ecology Action Centre will focus on
plants native to the Halifax area. See for descriptions
of each session. Drop in to any session or
attend all six.
Alternate Thursdays/7 p.m.
March 1-May 10
Foraging in the City
Learn how to live a sustainable life by
growing and preserving your own food
while living in an urban environment.
Presenters will speak at 1, 2 and 3 p.m.
Saturday, March 31/1-4 p.m.
Elizabeth Peirce, Yes You CanElizabeth Peirce, author of Grow
Organic: A Simple Guide to Nova Scotia
Vegetable Gardening, will talk about
different kinds of food preserving.
Niki Jabbour, Cultivated EdiblesNiki Jabbour, author of The Year Round
Vegetable Gardener, will talk about urban
vegetable gardening, detailing sneaky
ways to get more out of your space.
Jayme Melrose, Food Forest Gardening
Jayme Melrose, a.ka. the Garden Doula,
will explain the concept of food forest
The Year Round Vegetable
Join writer and radio host Niki Jabbour
for gardening tips and ideas from her new
book, The Year Round Vegetable Gardener.
See page 6 for another gardening
program with Niki Jabbour.
Saturday, March 24/2 p.m.
Joys & Woes of the
Urban Lawn
Presented by Lynn Brooks, a member of
the Master Gardeners of Atlantic Canada,
an organization that helps new gardeners
and assists in the greening and
beautification of communities.
Saturday, March 31/2 p.m.
Attracting Backyard Birds in
Winter & Spring
Noted Nova Scotia birder Clarence Stevens
will share secrets used by bird experts to
help you entice birds to your backyard,
including colourful spring rarities.
Tuesday, March 13/7 p.m.
Windowsill Herbs
Bring your own pot, we’ll supply the soil
and seeds. Then, you’ll craft your own
plant marker from metal tape.
Wednesday, April 18/1:30 p.m.